Paid Search & PPC

Expert Tips, Insights, and Analysis

PPC experts Anna Borchert, Emily Martin and Steve Kroll at conference

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Competitor Brand Terms

Pros and Cons – PLUS: 9 Examples Analyzing the Most Sophisticated Performance Marketers. The Temptation of Bidding on Another Company’s Brand Terms in Google Is it wise to bid on a competitor’s brand keywords in Google Ads? For anyone with experience utilizing strategy, it can feel a bit like taking a blow torch to your[…]

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Improve Your PPC Ads: Give Your Customers A Compelling Reason

The Technique There’s a single word that can lead you to getting better results from your PPC ads.  That word is because.  Why is this word so effective?  Because whatever you put after that word acts as a justification or reason why a person should comply with your request.  And because people have grown used[…]

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trueview for action

4 Facts You May Not Know About YouTube Ads

YouTube campaigns in Google Ads seems pretty straight forward, right? You have a YouTube channel. You link it with Google Ads. Then you can promote your videos on YouTube to the exact audience you want. Well not so fast. There are a few caveats you should know before creating your new campaigns. Let’s break a[…]

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Improve Your PPC Ads: Tell Your Customers How Many Have Converted

The Technique A classic way to be persuasive in advertising is to use a principle known as social proof.  The principle holds that when people are uncertain about a course of action, they tend to look outside themselves and to other people around them to guide their decisions and actions. One such way to implement[…]

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joe martinez smx advanced 2018

SMX Advanced 2018

Joe Martinez, Director of Paid Media & Community at Granular, presented at SMX Advanced yesterday during the ecommerce section. Setting Up and Tracking a Full TrueView for Shopping Strategy There can be more to your ecommerce strategy than Shopping feeds and marketplaces. Joe demonstrated to the crowd how you can use your products to push[…]

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The First Step To Creating a Killer B2B Paid Social Strategy

So, we know that most B2B companies really should have a killer Paid Social strategy these days.  But as soon as they get on board with the idea, the most frequent question I hear is undoubtedly “What kind of content should we produce for promotion?“  The simple answer is – content that is helpful to[…]

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Why B2B Companies Need A Paid Social Strategy Now More Than Ever

Most B2B companies suck at social media.  OK, it’s not just B2B companies.  But that’s where I want to focus for this post.  You may not have thought about this before, but social media is probably more beneficial for B2B companies than B2C ones.  Of course, this likely depends on the companies and industries we’re talking[…]

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how youtube director onsite works

Learn More About YouTube Director Onsite

I’ve been recommending advertising videos on YouTube to clients, colleagues, and industry acquaintances for quite some time. Advertising on YouTube is one of the most affordable and efficient ways to build brand affinity and attract new customers. The issue we hear a lot is getting video content seems like such an expensive and long-winded ordeal.[…]

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5 Foundational PPC Ad Copy Tips Just for B2B Advertisers

As we know from previous posts, your B2B prospects can vary widely as there are likely multiple stakeholders in all different stages of the buying process. They range from unaware of your product’s/service’s existence to ready to buy.  Since this is the case, you’re going to see the best results by matching up your ad[…]

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joe martinez smx west 2018

SMX West 2018

Joe Martinez, Director of Paid Media & Community at Granular, just finished pulling double duty at SMX West. Check out the slides Joe presented on below. How to Use Feeds to Improve DSA Campaigns and Ads DSA feeds will help accounts easily set up new ways to target their pages. Websites with poor URL structures will[…]

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How To Carefully Choose & Use Keywords For Your B2B PPC Campaigns

The first step to picking the right keywords for B2B search advertising is defining your audiences.  Doing this first will help keep you from bidding on search terms that are superficially related to your offering, but don’t actually indicate any relevant search intent.  It will also give you ideas about what your audience can be searching[…]

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B2B Audiences: How To Create & Effectively Use Them For PPC

In B2B, you’re typically not getting a transaction online.  You’re developing a relationship that you hope will lead to a transaction offline in the not-too-distant future.  Therefore, the best approach with PPC advertising isn’t to offer what you’re ultimately selling, but to offer valuable information that makes what you’re selling attractive to those you reach[…]

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come in we're open

Use Internal Site Search Data to Improve Your PPC Marketing

The internal search box on your website is an opportunity for you to learn about the people who use your website and what they search for. The data you obtain from your internal search analytics is an amazing resource that tells you what your visitors cannot find on your site. There is also the opportunity[…]

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waze logo

Introduction to Waze Advertising

There’s a more recent follow-up post about Waze advertising. Waze is the world’s largest, community-based navigation app. A subsidiary of Google since 2013, Waze helps users find the best route to their destinations in real time. The drivers who make up the community share information with other drivers such as construction locations, gas prices, cop[…]

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First 4 Areas to Look At When Seeing Performance Declines in AdWords

Whenever accounts see negative shifts in conversion volume over a period of time, or an increase in CPLs it becomes panic time for many. But as online advertisers, a lot of the time, the answers are right in front of us as to why the decline is occurring. There are a lot of things that[…]

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quora logo

Writing Ads for Quora

Back in May 2017, Quora Ads opened up for all businesses. The platform has grown from basic topic and website audience targeting to include specific options such as question targeting (BETA) to interest targeting. The platform has become the lowest CPA channel for many of my PPC clients. While I recommend jumping in immediately to[…]

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granular video ad example gif

Facebook Video Ads destroy Static Image Ads

It hurts when you realize that the thing you believe is good, is actually not good at all. Like when I play pick-up basketball in my 30’s with a memory of what my body could do in my early 20’s. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s what makes us better. ANYWAYS – let’s talk Facebook[…]

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How I Used Voice Search Data To Improve Ad Performance By +35%!

I remember doing a communication exercise with my wife that was guided by a good friend of mine.  First, my wife would share her thoughts and feelings about something.  Then, it was my turn.  Except I wasn’t allowed to share my thoughts and feelings.  Before I could do that, I had to summarize what my[…]

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WMTS 2017

Granular was more than happy to partner with our friends at Cultivate Communications to present one of many seminars at the 2017 Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show. Joe Martinez from Granular spoke to the crowd on how users should be using about AdWords in 2017. He also focused on figuring out the value of your[…]

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Metrics on Supermetrics

Combining Google Sheets Add-Ons for Optimal Budgeting

Within Google Sheets there are tools that are really rarely used despite the power behind them. You can find these tools in Add-ons. There is a plethora of them available, but the one I use the most is the Supermetrics add-on. Supermetrics has the capabilities to bring data in from all platforms, and from there[…]

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How I Rephrased 2 Words in a Headline & Improved Results by 34%!

I love new ways to think about how to create ad copy.  Looking back on my younger PPC management years, I definitely didn’t give enough weight to it from the beginning.  That’s probably because I’ve always been a numbers guy first.  But then I had a eureka moment when I said to myself…“You’re in advertising[…]

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confluence conference 2017

Confluence Conference 2017

Joe Martinez, our Senior Manager of Paid Media & Community at Granular, just presented at Confluence Conference for his second year in a row. Marketers in attendance learned how they can utilize Google Tag Manager to build higher-converting remarketing campaigns. By tracking how users interact with your website, we can use event categories, actions, and[…]

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buyer psychology

AdWords’ Price Extensions: 5 Powerful Techniques You Can Use

In the past when we’ve talked about pricing strategies in digital marketing, it’s mostly been a conversation about post-click conversion rate optimization.  Sure, we’ve always been able to put prices in ad text.  But with the release of 2 newer ad extensions in Google AdWords (and the presence of product listing ads), it’s becoming more[…]

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custom soccer uniforms ads

Optimizing for High Converting, Low CTR Campaigns

Editor’s Note: This post is an intro to our webinar for PPC Week by Unbounce. In the webinar on August 15th, we’re going to talk about the opposite scenario of improving low converting pages when you have a higher CTR. Every time I get high converting traffic for my clients, I want more. Besides adding[…]

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high cost no conversion keywords

Easy Ways to Eliminate Wasted Ad Spend

Whether you have a massive ad spend budget or not, you always want to get the most out of your money. If you’re set to a limited budget, your effort in making sure every penny is being used wisely is even more important. Saving money in AdWords doesn’t have to involve a lot of difficult[…]

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bizexpo 2017

BizExpo 2017

Joe Martinez just finished presenting on B2B digital marketing strategies at the 2017 BizExpo at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino. Attendees learned various ways they can grow their business online through online advertising, mobile optimization, video and more. Check out the slides below and download your own copy. Download the Slides

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