Getting Granular – PPC Blog

Digital Marketing, PPC, eCommerce and Lead Gen

Punctuation and Symbols in Google Ads Keywords for Digital Marketers

Often, questions arise between PPC managers along the lines of “Can I bid on my client’s brand name with a dash in it (For example: Harley-Davidson, Molson-Coors, etc.) or will that be a duplication of my keywords?”  As you may or may not already be aware, having the same keyword twice in a Google Ads[…]

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How Switching A Meta Campaign’s Objective Cut Our CPM By 80%

When building a Meta campaign, it is crucial to ensure that the campaign objective aligns with your business goals and complements the desired user action. Meta currently offers six different objective types: Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, Sales, and App. Each campaign objective serves its unique purpose, and without carefully selecting the correct one, you might[…]

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Google Marketing Live Blog Banner

Google Marketing Live 2024: Key Updates and The Impact on Marketers

The 2024 Google Marketing Live event was a lot to take in, as Google unveiled several updates allegedly designed to supercharge our advertising efforts. From AI-powered creative assets to immersive shopping ads, there’s a lot to unpack… Now this is where you would normally find our in-depth blog post about everything you should and would[…]

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Activate Google Consent Mode in Google Ads with One of These 5 CMPs

Let’s compare five popular Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) that integrate with Google’s Consent Mode. This guide is designed to help you choose the right platform that facilitates compliance with privacy laws while retaining your ability to build, execute, and iterate data-driven marketing. Below we evaluate each CMP’s compatibility with Google’s Consent Mode, their cost-effectiveness, and[…]

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Navigating the Post-Cookie Landscape: Strategies and Insights | Webinar Blog Banner

Navigating the Post-Cookie Landscape: Strategies and Insights

In the latest installment of the Granular Webinar Series, we delve into the imminent shift away from traditional cookie-based tracking. This comprehensive session is designed to arm marketers, advertisers, and businesses with the knowledge and strategies necessary to adapt and flourish in the cookie-free world. Jordon Meyer, the Founder and CEO of Granular, together with[…]

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Minimum Ad Spend Blog Banner

Minimum Ad Spend Guide: Navigating Budgets for Digital Success

Are you struggling to decide how much to spend on digital advertising and where to allocate your budget for the best ROI? In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the nuances of advertising spend across different channels can significantly impact your strategy’s success. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing professional, or simply[…]

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Agency Red Flags_Blog Banner

Five Red Flags to Look Out For When Working With Agencies

Working with agencies can be a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their online presence. However, not all agencies are created equal, and it’s important to be aware of potential red flags before entering into a partnership.  Take a look at the five warning signs that an agency might be hiding and find out how[…]

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The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics Hero Image

The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics

Google provides you with dozens of metrics you can use to determine your Google Ads campaign performance. We all know some of the most important ones like conversions, cost-per-conversion, and conversion value. Those are final performance metrics that are not telling the full story. In fact, there are many non-lead KPIs that are worth exploring,[…]

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Google Grant Requirements Blog Header Image

Navigating Crucial Requirements in Google Grant Accounts

Google Ad Grants provide eligible non-profits the opportunity to receive up to $10,000 per month in ad spend on Google search. Yes, that’s up to $120,000 a year in free ad spend! Granular has helped non-profits secure and spend over $1,000,000 of free ad spend in Google. To help make sure you’re getting the most[…]

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Pet Profile: Raven Cover Image

Granimals: Meet the Pets of Granular

Pets make everything better, right? Meet Raven, the Labradoodle who keeps our Director of Agency Partnerships, MacKenzie Krantz, on her toes.

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A Helpful Sabbatical Blog Banner

How My Sabbatical Helped Me Become A Better Digital Marketer

Granular offers a wide range of perks, but undoubtedly the best one is the opportunity to enjoy a month-long paid sabbatical every three years. During the sabbatical, we are encouraged to travel and even receive a stipend to help fund our adventure. Granular has now done 10 sabbaticals! Let me tell you, my sabbatical timing[…]

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The Importance of First-Party Data

First-party data is crucial for marketers everywhere. With privacy updates changing frequently, marketers are slowly losing access to the wild west of data we analyze to make informed marketing decisions. So, what is first-party data? First-party data is information you collect directly from your customers’ consent on your own channels. It can stem from customer purchases, support[…]

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Revisiting GA4 – Answering Ten of the Most Common Questions

In the fast-paced realm of digital analytics, staying abreast of the latest updates is pivotal for making informed, data-driven decisions for your business. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has introduced significant changes, and in this follow-up to our GA4 Webinar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly , we’ll delve into key features, addressing common questions[…]

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Advance Audience Target Blog Banner

Enhancing Performance with Advanced Audience Targeting in Programmatic Advertising

One aspect of programmatic advertising that excites us here at Granular is the advanced audience targeting it offers. Publishers from every nook and cranny create audience segments, down to super niche personas that can be overlaid onto the different channels. Through a demand-side platform (DSP), you can access audience segments by searching for a word[…]

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The Digital Marketing Revolution: How AI is Changing the Game

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing cannot be understated. From marketing data analysis to personalized content recommendations, AI is reshaping how businesses connect with their audiences and drive growth. AI Webinar Topics Listeners to this webinar will: This is a fantastic opportunity to stay ahead of the[…]

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Find Your Break-even Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) For Lead-To-Sale Journeys

Are you confident that your lead-gen advertising campaigns are profitable? If you’re not 100% sure, there’s no need to worry, we’ve got you covered!  You need to learn about your break-even customer acquisition costs, and the key is to identify the threshold between unprofitable and profitable advertising. I’m going to use a fake catering business[…]

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Are you really responsible for your FYP?

I’ve been an avid TikTok user since 2020 for obvious reasons. When TikTok first became popular, the platform was a great escape from the trials of the real world. The comedy, exploration of new topics, and seeing shared experiences made the content engrossing and hard to put down.  As someone who has opened TikTok basically[…]

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Quick Design Tips Blog Banner

Three Quick Tips For Advertisers Who Are Not Graphic Designers

It’s a weekday afternoon at 4:45 p.m. You get assigned a last-minute campaign. You upload the provided creative and get an error message about the image size being too big or the wrong shape for the ad. Your client isn’t responding with new creative and it’s down to the wire, your ad needs to go[…]

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How Will The iOS 17 Update Impact Your Marketing?

If you feel like you’re being bombarded with iOS 17 update information, you’re not alone. The recent Apple iOS update was announced back in June, and since then it has everyone talking, specifically marketers.  So, what’s going to change? Let’s take a look at the new features and how some of these changes are going[…]

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GA4 Tagging Changes in GTM You Will Love

Those who use Google Tag Manager often may have noticed that Google’s default “GA4 Configuration” tag has disappeared from the list of tag types. Google has decided to roll this into what they call their “Google tag” which is a standardized place to manage your GA4 configuration tagging. Google plans to roll this Google tag[…]

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Winning on Amazon: Overcome Fees and Boost Profits

If you are selling products on Amazon, be prepared for fees: selling plans, referral, and fulfillment fees. Plus, if you choose to run Amazon Ads, that’s an extra cost too! To stay profitable, it’s essential to factor all of these in this additional spend. 4 Amazon Fees To Know Before you start selling product and[…]

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How To Create A Custom Product Set In Meta Commerce Manager

If you’re currently running e-commerce ads on Meta but not taking advantage of the custom product set feature, you’re overlooking an incredible opportunity to segment your products. By doing so, you can efficiently segment your product list based on specific attributes. This allows you to precisely target the right consumers and optimize your advertising efforts[…]

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Website Sucks Part I, II, and III Blog Banner

Advertising When Your Website Sucks

Table of contents Jump to Part I: My Website Sucks. Should I run digital ads? Jump to Part II: My Website Still Sucks. Can I run digital conversion ads? Jump to Part III: My Website Still Sucks. How do I show customers what they need? 8/2/2023 Part I: My Website Sucks. Should I run digital[…]

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Webinar | ‘Tis the Season to be PPC Planning for the Holidays

It may only be August and currently in the triple digits here in Milwaukee, but it’s that time of the year to dive into digital media planning for the holidays (Q4) and start looking into 2024. To help get you started Granular’s founder and CEO, Jordon Meyer alongside President, Steve Kroll tap into their 25+[…]

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How To Use The Most Important Features In Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor is a free, downloadable application that allows you to conveniently update your Google campaigns in bulk. What could take five hours in the Google ads interface takes mere minutes in Editor.  When I was first introduced to Editor it seemed overwhelming, but with time, it became the only tool I ever needed[…]

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