Getting Granular – PPC Blog

Digital Marketing, PPC, eCommerce and Lead Gen

AI for PPC

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s latest space-and-time bending artificial intelligence program, is a free-use dialogue tool allowing one to submit a series of variables or questions, from which the machine will source its seemingly limitless knowledge base for an answer. Ask it anything from the mundane (“what’s the best chicken parmesan recipe?”) to the outlandish (“give me a[…]

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How Scale Modeling Made Me a Better Marketer

It’s no secret that having and holding onto hobbies can bring an insane amount of joy and fulfillment, albeit sometimes with stress. Hobbies allow you to unlock your creative potential, with the skills and creativity you bring to your hobbies helping you in other areas of your life. Scale modeling, at least in hobby terms,[…]

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5 YouTube Ad Placement Types You Need To Watch Out For

It’s true. There are some really bad placements for your ads on YouTube. For the unsuspecting advertiser that follows a basic campaign set up and uses some broader targeting options (like topics and keywords), they may just find that they’ve been serving ads before and during videos that either don’t deliver any value, or worse,[…]

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5 Ways to Avoid a Bad PPC Holiday

5 Ways to Avoid a Bad PPC Holiday (eCom and Retail) Set Annual Budgets and Plan for Higher CPCs Unless you’re selling water filters or diapers, there’s typically some seasonality baked into your eCommerce business. Make sure you plan out your annual SEM budget to coincide with increases in demand, sales and competition. Many people[…]

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marketing bundle

Don’t Get Bundled in Digital Marketing

“Yeah, we can do that too”. Famous last words of the once-focused agency. Too many agencies and marketing contractors go the way of the cable companies, bundling their clients into massive contracts offering multiple services for one large fee. Marketing your company should be no different that your personal life. Do you LOVE your bundled[…]

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Why Google AdWords Certifications Matter

Google has offered some type of AdWords certification since around 2010. It has been through a few name changes and rule changes, but it continues to be a fundamental element of adding trust for clients and showing that PPC experts are indeed what they claim to be. Trusting a PPC pro with your marketing budget[…]

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