Getting Granular – PPC Blog

Digital Marketing, PPC, eCommerce and Lead Gen

Minimum Ad Spend Blog Banner

Minimum Ad Spend Guide: Navigating Budgets for Digital Success

Are you struggling to decide how much to spend on digital advertising and where to allocate your budget for the best ROI? In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the nuances of advertising spend across different channels can significantly impact your strategy’s success. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing professional, or simply[…]

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The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics Hero Image

The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics

Google provides you with dozens of metrics you can use to determine your Google Ads campaign performance. We all know some of the most important ones like conversions, cost-per-conversion, and conversion value. Those are final performance metrics that are not telling the full story. While it’s exciting to celebrate your arrival to a final destination,[…]

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Google Grant Requirements Blog Header Image

Navigating Crucial Requirements in Google Grant Accounts

Google Ad Grants provide eligible non-profits the opportunity to receive up to $10,000 per month in ad spend on Google search. Yes, that’s up to $120,000 a year in free ad spend! Granular has helped non-profits secure and spend over $1,000,000 of free ad spend in Google. To help make sure you’re getting the most[…]

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Webinar | ‘Tis the Season to be PPC Planning for the Holidays

It may only be August and currently in the triple digits here in Milwaukee, but it’s that time of the year to dive into digital media planning for the holidays (Q4) and start looking into 2024. To help get you started Granular’s founder and CEO, Jordon Meyer alongside President, Steve Kroll tap into their 25+[…]

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How To Use The Most Important Features In Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor is a free, downloadable application that allows you to conveniently update your Google campaigns in bulk. What could take five hours in the Google ads interface takes mere minutes in Editor.  When I was first introduced to Editor it seemed overwhelming, but with time, it became the only tool I ever needed[…]

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Add Competitor Brands to Your Negative Keywords

How it can Improve ROAS & Lower CPCs To ensure effective ad spend when managing PPC campaigns, it’s important to exclude certain audiences and keywords that are not likely to engage with your ad or lead to a conversion — this is where negative keywords come in.  Negative keywords are search terms (and phrases) you[…]

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Competitor Brand Terms

The Temptation of Bidding on Another Company’s Brand Terms in Google Is it wise to bid on a competitor’s brand keywords in Google Ads? For anyone with experience utilizing strategy, it can feel a bit like taking a blow torch to your money when done poorly. But it’s hard to blame anyone for coming to[…]

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View Competitor Google Ads

See Competing Google Ads For Free

A Quick Overview: JUMP TO DETAILED STEPS Good to know: Countless hours have been spent by marketers and business owners across the world trying to figure out how to see the digital ads their competitors are running. When it comes to seeing ads in the Google Ads ecosystem, users have had to rely on 3rd[…]

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How to build a competitor bidding strategy

Google Ads Competitor Bidding: How to Build a Winning Strategy

As a marketing nerd, I love reading about Wendy’s tweets. Why? Because they are always bashing McDonald’s and other fast food chains (and they’re pretty good at it when they do). Wendy’s has mastered using their competitors (and trolling) to get attention. Luckily, you don’t have to master trolling to use your competitors in your[…]

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