Tim Reed

Paid Media Specialist

Tim Reed - Granular Paid Media Specialist, headshot black and white
Tim Reed's official headshot | Source: Granular

Tim Reed is a Paid Media Specialist at Granular and specializes in Google and Amazon Advertising for our brand awareness and ecommerce clients. He holds a degree in Marketing with an emphasis on Digital Marketing. He provides support for client accounts on paid search marketing, social media marketing, and Amazon advertising. His hobbies include playing Nintendo games, going on long walks, and trying different foods.

Six TikTok Ad Limitations & How To Get Around Them

Six TikTok Ad Limitations & How To Get Around Them

TikTok has exploded in popularity in recent years and advertising on the platform is constantly changing and being updated to meet regulations. With all of the different types of audiences on TikTok you can target, marketers should be aware of some limitations to using TikTok. So to help answer the common question of “What’s the[…]

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The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics Hero Image

The 5 Most Overlooked Google Ads Metrics

Google provides you with dozens of metrics you can use to determine your Google Ads campaign performance. We all know some of the most important ones like conversions, cost-per-conversion, and conversion value. Those are final performance metrics that are not telling the full story. In fact, there are many non-lead KPIs that are worth exploring,[…]

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How To Use The Most Important Features In Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor is a free, downloadable application that allows you to conveniently update your Google campaigns in bulk. What could take five hours in the Google ads interface takes mere minutes in Editor.  When I was first introduced to Editor it seemed overwhelming, but with time, it became the only tool I ever needed[…]

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Six TikTok Ad Limitations & How To Get Around Them

Six TikTok Ad Limitations & How To Get Around Them

TikTok has exploded in popularity in recent years and advertising on the platform is constantly changing and being updated to meet regulations. With all of the different types of audiences on TikTok you can target, marketers should be aware of some limitations to using TikTok. So to help answer the common question of “What’s the[…]

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Getting Started With Amazon Ads: Ad Types

As technology becomes more advanced, it has been easier than ever before to shop online. If your client is selling products online, they need to be on Amazon. Over 70% of consumers in 2022 use Amazon for their online shopping over any other eCommerce site so now it’s more important than ever to establish your[…]

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