Results from Google’s display ads experiment with the Privacy Sandbox APIs

Jul 22, 2024

Impact Rating

07/22/24 - Granular

Granular analysis and first look

Google’s experiment on display ads using Privacy Sandbox APIs explores its potential to maintain ad performance without third-party cookies.

Update: Turns out there are no immediate plans to end Third-Party cookies in Chrome.

In-depth Summary

  1. Experiment Overview\
    • Conducted between January and March 2024.
    • Focused on measuring ad performance using Privacy Sandbox APIs versus third-party cookies.
  2. Key Findings
    • Scale Preservation:
      • 89% recovery in Google Display Ads.
      • 86% recovery in Display & Video 360.
    • Return on Investment (ROI):
      • 97% recovery in conversions per dollar in Google Display Ads.
      • 95% recovery in Display & Video 360.
    • Remarketing Recovery:
      • 55% recovery in Google Ads.
      • 49% recovery in Display & Video 360.
      • Noted challenges due to reliance on third-party cookies and limited SSP adoption.
  3. Implications and Future Outlook
    • Continued innovation in privacy-preserving technologies, Google AI, and first-party data solutions.
    • Expansion of Privacy Sandbox usage and encouragement for industry-wide adoption.
    • Ongoing consultation with the UK Competition and Markets Authority.

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