New Google Analytics 4 features for better App campaign performance

Aug 02, 2023

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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) updates from August 2, 2023 introduces new features to enhance app campaign performance. These updates include advanced audience management tools, additional performance uplift features, and comprehensive web-to-app conversion measurement, designed to optimize campaigns and improve user engagement.

Screengrab of new suggested audience list which enables Google Analytics 4 users to easily engage existing app users who have not been reached with push notifications
New unnotified users suggested audience
Screengrab of improved iOS cross-channel install reporting and attribution in Google Analytics 4
Improved iOS cross-channel install reporting and attribution in Google Analytics 4

Why this matters?

  • Advanced Audience Management: New audience tools help app marketers engage high-value users and streamline audience targeting across app and web.
  • Performance Optimization: Use of consented, signed-in data and other new features can drive significant increases in conversions and performance.
  • Comprehensive Measurement: Enhanced measurement tools, including gbraid and SKAdNetwork integrations, ensure accurate and privacy-centric conversion tracking.

Next Steps/Action Items

  • Leverage Audience Tools: Utilize new GA4 audience features, such as unnotified users and audience builder in Google Ads, to refine targeting and engagement strategies.
  • Enable Google Signals: Activate Google signals in GA4 to optimize app campaign performance with consented, signed-in user data.
  • Integrate Measurement Solutions: Implement privacy-safe URL parameters and configure SKAdNetwork conversion value schema for improved iOS campaign measurement and optimization.

Learn more about past Google updates