Emily Anderson

Senior Paid Media Manager

Emily Martin - Granular Sr. Manager, Paid Media black and white headshot
Emily Martin's official headshot | Source: Granular

Emily Anderson is a Senior Paid Media Manager at Granular and specializes in Lead Generation, B2B, B2C, and service business paid advertising accounts. She holds a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay and is a certified specialist in search marketing, customer acquisition, optimization & testing, content marketing, value optimization, and agile marketing. In her free time, Emily enjoys biking, skiing, and binge-watching popular TV series.

how to move a facebook ad account

How To Move A Personal Ad Account Into Facebook Business Manager

At Granular we believe it is critical for companies to own their own digital ad accounts but every so often we come across a client whose Facebook Ads Manager account was set up under an employee’s personal ad account instead of under the business. This can become a real pain…especially if the employee no longer[…]

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How Switching A Meta Campaign’s Objective Cut Our CPM By 80%

When building a Meta campaign, it is crucial to ensure that the campaign objective aligns with your business goals and complements the desired user action. Meta currently offers six different objective types: Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, Sales, and App. Each campaign objective serves its unique purpose, and without carefully selecting the correct one, you might[…]

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Agency Red Flags_Blog Banner

Five Red Flags to Look Out For When Working With Agencies

Working with agencies can be a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their online presence. However, not all agencies are created equal, and it’s important to be aware of potential red flags before entering into a partnership.  Take a look at the five warning signs that an agency might be hiding and find out how[…]

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A Helpful Sabbatical Blog Banner

How My Sabbatical Helped Me Become A Better Digital Marketer

Granular offers a wide range of perks, but undoubtedly the best one is the opportunity to enjoy a month-long paid sabbatical every three years. During the sabbatical, we are encouraged to travel and even receive a stipend to help fund our adventure. Granular has now done 10 sabbaticals! Let me tell you, my sabbatical timing[…]

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How To Create A Custom Product Set In Meta Commerce Manager

If you’re currently running e-commerce ads on Meta but not taking advantage of the custom product set feature, you’re overlooking an incredible opportunity to segment your products. By doing so, you can efficiently segment your product list based on specific attributes. This allows you to precisely target the right consumers and optimize your advertising efforts[…]

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RIP Twitter. Hello X 

Ding Ding Ding, the digital boxing match Musk VS Zuck continues this week!  A few days ago, Elon Musk, the owner of the platform formerly known as Twitter, announced through a series of tweets that he would be renaming the platform to “X.” The CEO of X.com, Linda Yaccarino, later tweeted (xeeting?) explaining what the[…]

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Granular’s Girl Scout Cookie Pairing Guide

What do you do when the office impulse buys hundreds of cookies from a local Girl Scout?  Throw a cookie and beer pairing happy hour, of course!  And, since we’re data nerds, you can bet we polled our participants and made charts and graphs based on the results, all of which are posted within this[…]

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Six Conversation Starters Better Than The Weather

As an extrovert, I never found it challenging to make small talk before meetings. In fact, I actually enjoyed it and found it very valuable in making connections with others. That however all changed when the majority of my meetings shifted online, and I found myself starting almost every meeting with the same exact conversation:[…]

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How Brands Leverage Digital Advertising To Give Their 2023 Super Bowl Ad Extra Yards

I enjoy watching football and consider myself semi-knowledgeable about the sport (cough cough, 2021 Granular Fantasy Football Champion talking here) but I couldn’t have cared less who won the Super Bowl this year. So, if you’re anything like me, you watched the Super Bowl for one or all of these three reasons: #1 – The[…]

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Facebook Creative Mistakes

Common Facebook Ad Creative Mistakes & How To Fix Them (Part 2)

Welcome back to part two! This is a 2-part blog series where I break down common mistakes I’ve seen with Facebook ad creative.  If this is your first time, be sure to check out part one of this series. Hopefully, your business isn’t making one of these mistakes. If you are, no big deal, just[…]

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"This small meta commerce manager update will help save time"

This Small Meta Commerce Manager Update Will Help Save Time

It feels like every Meta change over the past few months has made advertisers’ lives harder. Whether it’s requiring increased security or completely changing the Business Manager’s format, I know I’m not alone when I say it’s been a constant headache. But, as of last week (or that’s at least when I became aware of[…]

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"Common Facebook Ad Creative Mistakes & How to Fix Them (Part 1)

Common Facebook Ad Creative Mistakes & How To Fix Them (Part 1)

Do you know what hurts me more than my face ID not recognizing me in the morning…? Putting money behind poor Facebook ad creative and messaging. It crushes my digital marketing soul when I see campaigns perfectly set up with the right budget, bid, placements, and audiences only for poor ad copy creative and incorrect[…]

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"@elonmusk: Here's how to improve Twitter Ads"

@elonmusk Here’s How To Improve Twitter Ads

If you’ve ever run Twitter Ads then I can almost guarantee that you’ve experienced some sort of frustration with the Ads Platform. Whether you struggled with the wonky ad creation process, were disappointed by limited targeting, or were confused about where to start with their data, I hear you and have been there. Full disclosure,[…]

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"Marketing in the Metaverse: 5 principles to keep in mind with the changing landscape"

Marketing in the Metaverse: 5 Principles to Keep in Mind with the Changing Landscape

When I first heard about “the metaverse” my mind immediately flashed to The Office episode where Dwight is playing the online role-playing game, Second Life. In the episode, Dwight says “my life was so great that I literally wanted a second one.” Insert Jim Halpert smirk here (but really who can afford it?) That The[…]

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TikTok Advertising: The Why & The How Of Getting Started

Disclaimer from the authors Jessica Busalacchi & Emily Martin – Since TikTok is growing at a rapid pace and their advertising platform is so new, a lot of features are continuously changing. We will do our best to keep this guide updated!  Over the past year, TikTok has taken the world by storm with its[…]

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Facebook Ad Account Disabled

Facebook Ad Account Disabled?

Having your Facebook ad account disabled can be extremely frustrating, especially when Facebook gives little-to-no detail on what policy was violated to trigger the disapproval! We at Granular have found, more often than not in recent days and weeks, the reason that our clients’ ad accounts get randomly shut down is because they have not[…]

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how to move a facebook ad account

How To Move A Personal Ad Account Into Facebook Business Manager

At Granular we believe it is critical for companies to own their own digital ad accounts but every so often we come across a client whose Facebook Ads Manager account was set up under an employee’s personal ad account instead of under the business. This can become a real pain…especially if the employee no longer[…]

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How To Use Chatbots To Generate Leads On Facebook

Have you ever felt that the audience in your Facebook lead generation campaign has gone dry? You may have started to see your Cost/Conv. and Frequency rise, or maybe people just aren’t converting as they did initially. Well, it might be time to try out a chatbot instead of a lead gen form.  Never used[…]

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prepare for iOS14 update

How To Prepare Your Facebook Campaigns For Apple’s iOS14 Update

Note: With more and more information being released, this topic is changing quickly. We wrote this blog post & recorded the podcast at the end of January and will do our best to keep it updated as Apple and Facebook release more information. Facebook vs Apple. It’s a new chapter in an ever-growing data showdown…so[…]

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This Facebook Tool Can Solve Your Ad Performance Frustrations

You’ve got all the campaign settings right.  Your target audience is exactly who you want to target.  You believe you have a great offer for that audience.  You know how much you want to pay per conversion.  But still you’re getting high CPMs with low CTRs and your results aren’t acceptable or what you thought[…]

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