Enhancing Conversion Tracking for Better Results

Argo Translation, a leader in language solutions, faced challenges with inaccurate conversion tracking, leading to inefficient PPC campaign performance. By partnering with Granular, they refined their tracking system, ensuring only high-quality leads were captured. This strategic optimization resulted in a significant boost in lead generation, cost efficiency, and overall campaign effectiveness.

The Opportunity:

Argo Translation sought to improve their PPC campaign performance but faced issues with suboptimal conversion tracking and lead quality. Their tracking system was firing for irrelevant events, such as personal RFQ (Request for Quote) submissions and non-business-related inquiries via their “Contact Us” forms. These inefficiencies diluted campaign effectiveness and misallocated optimization efforts.

Granular’s Solution:

To address the challenge, Granular conducted a comprehensive audit of Argo Translation’s existing conversion tracking setup. Leveraging our deep knowledge of HubSpot and Google Tag Manager, we implemented a twofold strategy:

Streamlining Conversion Tracking:

  • Transitioned conversion tracking to fire only on the HubSpot form success event, “hubspot-form-success.”
  • Utilized HubSpot’s dataLayer event notifications to eliminate duplicate form submissions and improve tracking accuracy.

Refining Tracking Criteria:

  • For RFQ forms, excluded leads marked as “Personal” in the project type field, focusing solely on business-related submissions.
  • For Contact Us forms, set conditions to capture inquiries categorized as “Request for Quote” or “Request for Information,” ensuring only relevant conversions were tracked.

The implementation included crafting JavaScript event listeners and dataLayer variable configurations to capture and filter the appropriate form field values. This precision significantly enhanced the reliability of conversion tracking data.


If you have any questions or are interested in having Granular help grow your business, please use the button below to get in touch!