Overcoming Ineligible Product Issues in Amazon Ads 

Advertising on Amazon offers immense sales potential, but navigating its intricate advertising ecosystem can often be daunting. Amazon’s strict advertising guidelines and fee structures can result in challenges that eat into your margins, particularly when dealing with product ineligibility issues. However, with the right strategies or agency partner, these obstacles can be lessened.

Here are some of the common causes of Amazon ad disapprovals and actionable strategies to solve these roadblocks effectively.

Common Reasons for Amazon Ad Disapprovals

Amazon’s ad approval process is rigorous, ensuring only products that meet its standards are promoted. Here are some frequent reasons for product ineligibility:

  1. Pricing Expectations: Products not aligning with Amazon’s pricing policies can face ad disapprovals.
  2. Product Suspensions: Listings flagged by Amazon’s algorithm may face temporary or permanent suspension.
  3. Out of the Buy Box: If your product isn’t in the Buy Box, it becomes ineligible for advertising.

Strategies to Overcome Product Ineligibility

1. Leverage Sponsored Brand Ads with Multiple Products

When some of your products are ineligible, Sponsored Brand Ads offer a clever workaround:

  • Set Up an Amazon Store Page:
    Create a store page featuring both eligible and ineligible products.
  • Craft Ads Strategically:
    Highlight eligible products and link the ad to your store page. Ensure ineligible products are prominently displayed on the store page to capture attention indirectly.
  • Custom Imagery:
    Include appealing images of ineligible products to provide visibility even without a direct product link.

Limitation: Performance tracking for this approach is limited since sales data is aggregated at the store level rather than individual products because the products are not advertised directly.

2. Update Listings for Suspended Products

If a product is suspended, try updating the listing:

  • Revise Titles and Descriptions:
    Replace flagged terms with alternative wording to bypass Amazon’s algorithm triggers.
  • Create a New ASIN:
    If updates don’t resolve the issue, creating a new ASIN can provide a fresh start for the same product.

3. Collaborate with Amazon Support

Persistent issues may require escalation through Amazon’s support channels:

  • Submit a Support Ticket:
    Provide detailed information about the disapproved product and the steps taken to address the issue.
  • Follow Up Regularly:
    Amazon’s review process can be lengthy, so persistence is key to reaching a resolution.

4. Adjust Pricing Temporarily

When pricing is the root cause of ineligible products, consider temporary adjustments:

  • Lower Prices Temporarily:
    Reduce the price to meet guidelines, launch the ad, and then adjust the price gradually.
  • Secure the Buy Box:
    Ensure you have the Buy Box to avoid potential conflicts when adjusting prices.

Note: Continue to monitor your campaigns closely, as Amazon may flag the product again.

5. Utilize Sponsored Brand Video Ads

Sponsored Brand Video Ads often face less scrutiny than traditional Sponsored Product Ads. Once approved, these ads are less likely to be flagged, offering a more consistent way to promote products.

While these strategies can help navigate Amazon’s ad disapprovals, remember they’re not permanent solutions. Consider fostering a strong relationship with Amazon representatives who can advocate for your brand and expedite compliance resolutions.


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