Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion improvement methods, insights & budget-savers 

The web doesn’t just hand out clicks and conversions – you have to earn them. Gather the tested tips, tricks and best practices learned by seasoned CRO pros in this series of articles. Work smarter, not just harder in this series covering ways to reduce cost per conversions, target return on ad spends and more.

Increase Conversions with Smart Bidding

How Google Ads Smart Bidding Increased My Conversions By +171%

Do you have a go-to conversation starter? Something that always gets people talking? At Granular, our team has spent hours debating if a hotdog is a sandwich, if cereal is soup, and more recently – if a Pop-Tart is a ravioli. Another way to get a group of PPC experts to start a conversation is[…]

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B2B Industrial CPC Trends

Industrial B2B Conversion Rate and CPC Trends

When reporting on campaign data, especially with newer clients, we often get some form of the question “Are these numbers good?” or “How does this performance stack up compared to other people in my industry?” These clients, while all in the industrial/manufacturing space, vary greatly in account size & scope. Their ad spend ranges from[…]

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Increase Conversions with Smart Bidding

How Google Ads Smart Bidding Increased My Conversions By +171%

Do you have a go-to conversation starter? Something that always gets people talking? At Granular, our team has spent hours debating if a hotdog is a sandwich, if cereal is soup, and more recently – if a Pop-Tart is a ravioli. Another way to get a group of PPC experts to start a conversation is[…]

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mobile phones

Stop Bidding Down on Mobile. Improve the Mobile Experience

Let’s see if this scenario rings a bell. When performing account analysis, you segment your AdWords campaigns or ad groups by device. Next, you notice mobile bids convert at a much lower rate than desktop. You pull out Google’s recommended formula for mobile bid adjustments (Mobile Conversion Rate / Desktop Conversion Rate) – 1 and[…]

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landing page pop up

Why Your Landing Pages May Not Be Working

Whether you’re involved with PPC, SEO, email marketing or social media, the landing page can make or break the odds of a campaign succeeding. You can drive a lot of traffic, but if your landing page doesn’t convert then what’s the point? A 25% CTR and 400% traffic increase doesn’t look great if the return[…]

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