Jordon Meyer

Founder & CEO

Jordon Meyer Milwaukee Granular
Jordon Meyer's official headshot | Source: Granular

Jordon Meyer is the Founder and CEO of Granular. With over 18 years of hands-on paid search marketing experience, he’s one of the most experienced PPC experts in the Midwest and one of the few digital ad agency CEOs with a background as an expert practitioner. His experience comes from both agency and client-side work, ranging from small digital agencies in Milwaukee to running the day-to-day in-house PPC on the internal marketing team at Best Buy in Minneapolis. He started Granular out of the continued demand for his expertise and the overall need for a laser-focused PPC agency that focuses on measurable results.

Webinar | ‘Tis the Season to be PPC Planning for the Holidays

It may only be August and currently in the triple digits here in Milwaukee, but it’s that time of the year to dive into digital media planning for the holidays (Q4) and start looking into 2024. To help get you started Granular’s founder and CEO, Jordon Meyer alongside President, Steve Kroll tap into their 25+[…]

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Activate Google Consent Mode in Google Ads with One of These 5 CMPs

Let’s compare five popular Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) that integrate with Google’s Consent Mode. This guide is designed to help you choose the right platform that facilitates compliance with privacy laws while retaining your ability to build, execute, and iterate data-driven marketing. Below we evaluate each CMP’s compatibility with Google’s Consent Mode, their cost-effectiveness, and[…]

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Navigating the Post-Cookie Landscape: Strategies and Insights | Webinar Blog Banner

Navigating the Post-Cookie Landscape: Strategies and Insights

In the latest installment of the Granular Webinar Series, we delve into the imminent shift away from traditional cookie-based tracking. This comprehensive session is designed to arm marketers, advertisers, and businesses with the knowledge and strategies necessary to adapt and flourish in the cookie-free world. Jordon Meyer, the Founder and CEO of Granular, together with[…]

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Google Premier Partnership

MILWAUKEE, WI – FEBRUARY 23 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based Granular, one of the nation’s leaders in paid digital marketing, today announced it has achieved Google Premier Partner status for the eighth year in a row. This exclusive designation places them among the top 3% of Google Partners that meet the new, more rigorous program requirements across[…]

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Maintaining culture through pandemic

Maintaining Culture Through a Pandemic

Employee perks don’t make you one of the best agencies in town, but they sure do help make work seem a little less of a drag. These extras have always been a focus for me at Granular. Having worked for other agencies and in-house I mentally bookmarked everything I wished they offered me when I[…]

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higher-education webinar with Google

Granular + Google EDU Webinar Recording

From the start, Granular has been a trusted digital marketing partner for colleges and universities around the country and tapped to help drive enrollment, improve efficiency, and bring new students in a measurable and scalable way.  We’ve worked with for-profit and non-profit institutions ranging from small regional colleges to large universities. We have also worked[…]

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Insourcing and Outsourcing: What You Should Know About Industry Trends and Patterns

To insource or to outsource? For many businesses, that is an ongoing question. In the past few years, the benefits of outsourcing have been highly touted and embraced by companies of all sizes and in all industries. But insourcing also has a certain appeal. So, how can you choose which option is best for your[…]

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Remote Working Tools Granular Uses

Granular’s Remote Work Tools / Tech Stack At Granular we’ve been setup to work remotely since day one. While most of the team is in Milwaukee, we were built to have a flexible work schedule and be able to be plugged into work from remote places. PPC doesn’t sleep, weekends and holidays need coverage sometimes[…]

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Stop Getting Sold On “Geo-Fencing”

Synergy, change agents, deep dive, circle back, boiling the ocean, ping me – remember some of these cringe-worthy business buzzwords? Business is full of them, and yes I admit, I still use some of these words from time to time. What is it about business that gets us stuck on meaningless one-liners and platitudes devoid[…]

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Holiday PPC Management Findings 2018

PPC Management Takeaways From Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2018 With another Black Friday and Cyber Monday PPC season under our belts, it’s time for us to exhale with the rest of the retail and marketing world. As we take a second to catch our breath, we wanted to look back at the crazy week[…]

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Introduction to Waze Advertising

There’s a more recent follow-up post about Waze advertising. Waze is the world’s largest, community-based navigation app. A subsidiary of Google since 2013, Waze helps users find the best route to their destinations in real time. The drivers who make up the community share information with other drivers such as construction locations, gas prices, cop[…]

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Facebook Video Ads destroy Static Image Ads

It hurts when you realize that the thing you believe is good, is actually not good at all. Like when I play pick-up basketball in my 30’s with a memory of what my body could do in my early 20’s. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s what makes us better. ANYWAYS – let’s talk Facebook[…]

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2016 Review and Exclusive New Google Partnership for Granular!

Granular has had an exciting year of new partnerships and growth within different search and paid social platforms in the digital marketing ecosystem. We’re heading into 2017 with a strong tailwind that will propel us to our lofty goals in the future. Back in July, Granular was selected to be a part of Google’s new[…]

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5 Ways to Avoid a Bad PPC Holiday

5 Ways to Avoid a Bad PPC Holiday (eCom and Retail) Set Annual Budgets and Plan for Higher CPCs Unless you’re selling water filters or diapers, there’s typically some seasonality baked into your eCommerce business. Make sure you plan out your annual SEM budget to coincide with increases in demand, sales and competition. Many people[…]

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Going Deep with Google Shopping

ICYMI – I did a 45 minute podcast on Google Shopping where I went in depth on the technical and strategic side of Google Shopping. It’s worth a listen if you would like to learn more about Shopping for your own skill-set or simply want to use this to ask questions to your current agency[…]

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Granular messenger code

Why Facebook Needed Robots to Help Businesses with Chat

Just like us, Facebook is a data-driven company. They don’t make decisions lightly and rely on deep statistical insights to make business decisions. One of their latest decisions was to roll-out a new product that helps businesses chat with customers with the help of automation. The need for this and the supporting data behind the[…]

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Breaking: Walmart Accidentally Closes 100’s of Stores

Don’t worry, your supply of $0.24 Ramen and  is still available. It just appears that someone or a system accidentally listed a lot of Walmart locations as permanently closed. In an attempt to find some cheap folding chairs for Granular in Milwaukee, Walmart was naturally on the short list of stores. Upon searching, we discovered[…]

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instagram ad on phone

Results From Our Instagram Ads Test

Results of Our Instagram Ads Test Start with a small budget when testing a new channel / ad format – that’s almost always our rule. This of course varies based on your company size. Testing a new channel at one of the universities I ran paid for was often in the $10s of thousands of[…]

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marketing bundle

Don’t Get Bundled in Digital Marketing

“Yeah, we can do that too”. Famous last words of the once-focused agency. Too many agencies and marketing contractors go the way of the cable companies, bundling their clients into massive contracts offering multiple services for one large fee. Marketing your company should be no different that your personal life. Do you LOVE your bundled[…]

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ecommerce consulting milwaukee

Quantitative Staffing for eCommerce Seasonality

As the seasons change, so do the needs of eCommerce businesses. Many of our clients have seasonal peaks and valleys in their website traffic and overall online revenue. The Granular team has managed paid search during “holiday hell week” at Best Buy and Target, so we know a little something about eCommerce seasonality. To match[…]

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Increasing User Engagement with A/B Testing

Improving user experience is one of the many factors taken into account when working on conversion rate optimization (CRO). CRO is a necessity when driving PPC traffic to any website. Why? Because so much is on the line when you pay for traffic. By using CRO, you are often able to improve efficiency and stretch[…]

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Why Google AdWords Certifications Matter

Google has offered some type of AdWords certification since around 2010. It has been through a few name changes and rule changes, but it continues to be a fundamental element of adding trust for clients and showing that PPC experts are indeed what they claim to be. Trusting a PPC pro with your marketing budget[…]

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Use Google Trusted Store as an AdWords Review

Are you an eCommerce business owner or have a PPC client that is a Google Trusted Store? You can now add the benefit of being a trusted store to your Review Extensions in AdWords! More ad real estate is ALWAYS a good thing; Google knows it, good PPC managers know it, now you know it.[…]

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